Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Getting the green light

Not only did I my proposal approved but I also got the green light to start filming. Creating the proposal was probably the most stressful thing I had to deal with so far but lets hope it stays that way. But now that I have the green light I have to scout for locations that fit my idea. And it shouldn't be too difficult because it only needs to filmed in one place, a house. I am very lucky for settling with the idea I chose because it makes things easier on my and my actor part. I don't have to worry about driving from one place to another. And getting the actors to another place as well. But with the storyboards I kind of just created my own little home and went based off it. But now that I have the green light, I just to have worry about finding a location. 

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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!