Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Researching Genres

 The film idea that I choose to go through is a little tricky to do I will admit. It's not exactly the easiest idea to compose especially with only a two minute film. I am trying not to overthink it, but it's a little difficult. So far I have been researching on how I am suppose to go through with this plan by watching either the first couple of minutes of thriller movies or just seeing how films deliver the thriller/mystery sense throughout the film. Not only is this helping me with brainstorming ideas but also see the different ways film approach their goals. I can see the way different ideas are being produced. And how they are reached. Another way I am researching which probably ins't the most effective but it's useful is by reading different thriller/mystery novels. It helps me with really putting myself into the character shoes and seeing the way they view the story. It's a great thing that I find useful so then I know how high the stakes and standards are suppose to be. It helps for future references. 


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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!