Thursday, December 15, 2022



Creating storyboards were definitely something a little challenging. I like to think I have a wide imagination. So actually brainstorming film ideas wasn't that hard, but creating a story board was. I can't draw either so it made it a bit more difficult. When creating the story board I was trying my best to not overthink because the film could only be a minute long. So I had to contain myself. Also this was my first time creating a story board as well so I was trying to figure out how to do it as I was doing it. I do wish however I was a bit more specific on my drawings. For example, I wished I put some sort of indication of what camera angle we were doing. Because now looking back at it, the story board drawings are too bland and you can't really tell much based off the drawing alone. So that's something I would for sure look out for in the future.  

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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!