How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
- I believe my film represent social groups or issues because even though my film idea isn't exactly expressed it's very stereotypical. I say this because the story consist of the fact that the family came from a dark past, but as soon as the girl was born they immediately changed there life around. They didn't want to be in that business anymore so they got out. But eventually it came back to haunt them. So they use the brother as the prime example of what would happen to them if they didn't listen to them. So typically through these situations, it's usually the man who dies and the woman who gets framed for it. Having no context everyone is not going to believe her because well one, she is a female. And also she happened to find him in the back of her house. It also represents social issues because typically in these situations it's usually the female getting blamed. Whether it's because she is crazy or mentally not stable. So they give her that label. Like a prime example, is the TV show "Riverdale". I believe there is a season where one of the main characters Betty is blamed for her boyfriend murder. And obviously no one believed her when she said she didn't do it because they found her at fault with his blood in her hands. All the evidence points to her so when she said she didn't do it, they didn't believe her.
• How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?- A way I guess you can say I integrated technologies was with the opening shot. She receives a "NO CALLER ID" phone call so I had to use phone. And if you want to count the music that too. But that's mainly there for more a meaning purpose rather then for something technology wise.
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