Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Facial Expressions

 Throughout this film I want my main character to have a bland face. The only times she ever is going to make a face is when she gets the phone call, opens the door, and finds the dead body. I want her to mainly be serious for this film. There isn't suppose to be a happy or positive vibe to it. I want it to be chilling, thrilling, and silent. The only reactions audience is really going to receive from her is shocked and confused. There is really nothing else to it. But when I do capture these reaction shots I don't want to react in a dramatic way, I just want to let the audience know that there is something off. And I am going to do that with the help of the eyes. The eyes are viewed as something useless but yet they tell everything. The eyes never lie. They tell a story the mouth cannot speak. So that's why I don't want her to have these dramatic reactions. I just to tell people that something isn't right.

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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!