Thursday, December 15, 2022

Post Production

Now that we are done filming it's finally done time to start editing! I'm not the editor for this project,however my partner Andrew is. I have to give him my respect due to the amount of time he has spent working on the film trying to edit. I possibly can't thank him enough for the amount of work he has done. So thank you Andrew. Also we had to be old school with the way we uploaded the footage. Since we didn't film on a camera but rather on a phone,  I had to email him all the footage that we got so we can still have good quality footage. I didn't really do much for editing, considering it wasn't my job and also because it's not really my thing. I however did help with the song choice. The song choice was the one of the main reason why we created the film we created. 

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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!