Thursday, December 15, 2022

And just like that, it's over


We finally are down to the final cut of the film. I would say, the film making process was a little nerve wrecking considering it was my first ever film. And I was director. But it was a fun experience. I saw the film for the first time, and all I am going to say is that it amazing. It was something I was not expecting but in a good way. And since it was our first film I did not know how high our standards were suppose to be so looking at the film for the first time definitely eased my nerves. But being the cinematographer and director made me realize a lot of things about film making and the process. The amount of effort and time it takes up. Also having get the angles right and setting up the camera properly. Having to deal with the actors. And also props. It's a lot of work but it's most certainly worth it. But then getting to create such a beautiful masterpiece and being able to share that to the world is beautiful. 

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She Knows......

This is my final cut for my film, I hope you enjoy!